Children’s Home

Molding Rounded Citizens

The Diocese of Jamaica has a long history of caring for persons in need, especially the young and the elderly. We operate three Childrens’ Homes

  1. St. Monica’s Home
  2. Clifton Boys’ Home
  3. The Wortley Home

The residents include orphans and children who have been abandoned by their parents or who live with families that cannot care for them.

We seek to mold the children in these homes into rounded citizens by providing as normally as possible, a home environment where they may experience love, care and security, while their education and development needs are being addressed. The children attend Churches and schools that serve the community in which each home is located, and they are encouraged and assisted to participate in community activities.

The Homes operate under the jurisdiction of the state-owned Child Development Agency and receive financial support from the Government of Jamaica. Children are placed in the Homes on the basis of decisions by the Juvenile Court to ensure their care and protection. They may also be referred by clergy, with a sponsor assuming responsibility for their upkeep. A Board appointed by the Diocese manages each facility.


St. Monica’s Home
Located approximately one mile from Chapelton, Clarendon, this co-educational facility was opened in 1953 and caters to children between the ages of 4 and 18 years. Boys are relocated to another facility at age 13. The Home, which can accommodate 24 children, is sited on approximately 50 acres of land, much of which is occupied by small farmers. The children and staff are housed in a building that once served as the Rectory for St. Paul’s Church more than 100 years ago. Over the years, the structure has been expanded to accommodate the growing needs of the Home.

Superintendent:         Sister Myrel Moss
Contact:                  P.O. Box 4, Chapelton, Clarendon; Tel: (876) 987-2235


The Wortley Home
Founded in 1918 by the Rev. Canon Wortley, who was then Rector of St. Andrew Parish Church, and his wife Bertha, the Home for Girls is located at “Maurice Hill,” in Constant Spring, St. Andrew. Originally, it provided placements for orphans or children whose parents were indigent. Noted for its annual Carol-singing recitals at Christmas, the Wortley Home now accepts any needy girl, aged three to six years, regardless of socio-economic or religious background. It has accommodation for 25 residents.

Superintendent:         Ms. Delores Bailey
Contact:                        “Maurice Hill,” Constant Spring, St. Andrew; Tel: (876) 924-1322

Clifton Boys’ Home

This Home with capacity for 30 boys aged 7 – 19 years old, is located in Darliston, Westmoreland, and has been in operation since 1960. It occupies some 7 ½ acres of good agricultural land, which facilitates an ongoing Agricultural/Livestock project undertaken by the residents. This self-help project is making a positive contribution to the nutritional well-being of the boys, as it supplies the Home with vegetables, ground provision and chicken meat.

Superintendent:             Mrs. Irene McDonald
Contact:                     Darliston P.O., Westmoreland; Tel: (876) 955-0424



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