Rural Deans

A Rural Dean is appointed by the Bishop and is the Chairman of the Deanery Council in their Deanery. They assist in the administrative affairs of their Deanery and make reports on these matters to the Archdeacon. A Rural Dean is addressed as “THE VERY REVEREND…”

Some Responsibilities

  • As Chairman of the Deanery Council, they receive and examine reports and financial returns on a quarterly basis from all Clergy within the Deanery.
  • If a member of the Clergy fails to forward these reports within a stipulated time, a copy of the Deanery Council’s letter shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Church Committee and to the Regional Bishop.
  • The Dean makes reports on a regular basis to the Archdeacon on the state of the Church.
  • The Dean shall, on the direction of the Archdeacon, assist with visits to any Cure in his Deanery and conduct inspections and examinations of the Church’s Rectory, all books of accounts and records etc.
  • A Rural Dean, if required by the Bishop shall enquire into (a) any complaint against the congregation by a Priest in charge of a Cure; and (b) any complaint by a congregation against the Priest in charge of a Cure; and shall make a report to the Bishop.
  • A Rural Dean shall, subject to the approval of the Archdeacon, arrange for services in the Cure during the absence of the Priest.
  • The Dean shall also perform other duties that may be required by the Bishop or Suffragan Bishop.
KingstonThe Very Rev. Sean Major-Campbell6 Antrim Road, Kingston 3
Tel: 928-9540
St. ThomasThe Very Rev. Jean Fairweather-Wilson1A Stanmore Close
Red Hills, St. Andrew
Tel: 944-3620
St. CatherineThe Very Rev. Canon Collin ReidRed Church Street
Spanish Town P.O.
Tel: 984-2535
St. AndrewThe Very Rev. Canon Major Sirrano Kitson 
St. Mary-VACANT-The Rectory
Port Maria P.O.
Tel: 994-9362
Portland -VACANT-The Rectory
Rural Hill P.O.
Tel:913-7944 (H)  919-4981 (Cell)
Manchester The Very Rev. Leroy Johnson 
St. ElizabethThe Very Rev. David “Tony” Reid 
St. AnnThe Very Rev. Richard TuckerMilford Road Ocho Rios P.O.
Tel: 974-3156
St. James/HanoverThe Very Rev. Andrew ReidThe Rectory, P.O. Box 98,
Montego Bay
Tel: 952-1270
WestmorelandVACANTThe Rectory
Sheffield District
P.O. Box 3273
Negril, Westmoreland
Tel: 876-957-5559

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