Cycle of Prayer – General

The Diocesan Prayer Cycle has been developed in order to ensure that Anglican clergy, church workers and congregations are upheld in prayer around the Diocese. Wherever possible, congregations have been identified and placed on, preceding or close to the Feast Days with which they are associated. The Prayer Cycle has been organized on a weekly basis, especially for use within congregational Sunday worship. Where there are several churches with the same name, these have been grouped under the name and by district. ‘Vacant’ indicates that there is no priest in charge.

You are invited to pray weekly for the following:

– The Most Rev. Howard Gregory, Archbishop of the Church in the Province of the West Indies & Bishop of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
– Rt. Rev. Leon Golding, Suffragan Bishop of Montego Bay
– Rt. Rev. Garth Minott, Suffragan Bishop of Kingston

Retired Bishops:

– Rt. Rev. Harold Daniel

Visioning Prayer

Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and on earth, and by whose grace we have been called into a goodly fellowship of faith: Send down upon our bishops, other clergies, and all your faithful people an outpouring of your Holy Spirit for the renewal and mission of your Church. Give us a vision of where you would lead your Church, and so discern new things that you are doing in your Church and the world. By your grace, save us from unnecessary distractions, so that we may be able to determine your will for us, go forward perceiving that which is right, and have the courage to pursue the same, to the end that we may utilise the gifts which you have given to each of us for the furtherance of your will in simplicity, confidence and steadfastness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



*Vacant means – No Rector or Priest-In-Charge or Curate-In-Charge, However in some cases, a SM – Supplementary Minister is assigned.

SM – Supplemental Minister, CA – Church Army

SUNDAY, JANUARY 5         Second Sunday after Christmas Day
Pray for the work of the World Council of Churches; The Jamaica Council of Churches led by  Bishop Christine Gooden-Benguche – President, Rev. Newton Dixon – General Secretary; and all leaders of the Christian Church.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 12      First Sunday after the Epiphany
St. Agatha’s ChurchBromleySeymour Hutchinson (SM), Rita White (SM)
St. Agnes’ Churches in:SalisburyRichard Tucker, Jacqueline Bramwell (SM)
GrangeNina-Rae Barrett
PrioryMonique Campbell
Today we pray for the Anglican Communion and our Churches in all the countries of the world.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 19      Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Conversion of St. PaulPortmoreRobert Green, Colleen Tinker-Whyte(AE), Reilette Allen (AE), Sanchia Bent (AE),
Rohan Dawkins (AE), James Oliver (AE)
During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, January 18-25, we offer our prayers for the Jamaica Council of Churches and all individuals dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, including the Jamaica Church Missionary Society. Our prayers extend to ecumenical partnerships and missionary efforts worldwide
Pray for the Anglican Youth Fellowship, The Annual General Meeting of the National Council
SUNDAY, JANUARY 26     Third Sunday after the EpiphanyPray for all Diocesan Boards and Committees;
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2        The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
 We offer special Prayers for the Church in the Province of the West Indies and pray for:                                               
  – The Archbishop of the West Indies, Primate & Metropolitan and all the Bishops of the Province.
  – The Provincial Chancellor – Zaila McCalla
  – Provincial Registrar – Mary Haynes
  – Provincial Secretary – Elenor Lawrence; the Staff of the CPWI Secretariat. 
  – The Principal, Staff and Students of Codrington College  
  – The Warden – Natalie Blake; Staff and Seminarians of the United Theological College of the West Indies
St. Dorothy’s ChurchOld HarbourHoward Walters, Delroy Coley (SM)
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9       Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Pray for Diocesan Committees:
Diocesan Council and Financial Board and Chairman Wayne Powell; all Diocesan Boards, Regional Councils, Bishop’s Examining Chaplains.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16        Sixth Sunday after the EpiphanyPray for all Rural Deans: Collin Reid, Sean Major-Campbell, Richard Tucker, Leroy Johnson, Sirrano Kitson, Tony Reid, Mark Jones, Andrew Reid,
Pray for women in ordained ministry especially in our Diocese
Pray for the closing service of the Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands’ 200th Anniversary activities, to be held regionally on February 16, 2025.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany
St. Matthias’ Churches in:MiddletonVacant
KentuckyHartley Perrin
Pray for the Diocesan Mothers’ Union (AGM) and especially the President – Mrs. Yvonne Johnson-Reid as well as Deanery Presidents and branches island wide.
Pray for those attending the Diocesan Clergy Conference this week
SUNDAY, MARCH 2           Last  Sunday after the Epiphany
St. David’s Churches in:
BrittonvilleIcilda McDonald (SM)
MorningsideOlando Gayle
SnowdonOwen Lambert (SM)
YallahsKamar Prendergast
SUNDAY MARCH 9                   First Sunday in Lent
St. Gregory’s Church in: Red HillsVacant
Pray for the work of the Diocesan Women’s’ Auxiliary and National  President – Miss Veronica Burbage ; National Chairman – Ms Carol Cuffley and all officers of the Executive, Deanery leaders and groups
Pray for Retired clergy and church workers of the Diocese
SUNDAY, MARCH 16          Second Sunday in Lent
St. Patrick’s Churches in: Devon Pen C/EVacant
ProvidenceOwen Lambert (SM)
Windward RoadVacant
St. Joseph’s Churches in:The GroveFranklyn Jackson, Melrose Wiggan (SM), Nadine Hurditt-Baker (AE)
Innswood/McCook’s PenCollin Reid, Simon Singano, Rupertia Smith (AE)
SUNDAY, MARCH 23         Third Sunday in Lent
St. Gabriel’sMay PenLeroy Johnson, Moses Munga, Patrick Coulthurst
WoodsideSeymour Hutchinson (SM), Rita White (SM)
We pray that as the Diocese of Jamaica embarks on the process of electing a new Diocesan Bishop, the Holy Spirit will guide the hearts and minds of all involved in the selection.
SUNDAY, MARCH 30       Fourth Sunday in LentPray for all Diocesan Boards and Committees; the Chancellor of the Diocese, Secretary of Synod; the Diocesan Secretary; and especially the staff of Church House as they prepare for Synod. 
Pray for those participating in Diocesan Pre Synod Meetings.
Church of the ResurrectionDuhaney ParkLeslie Mowatt
SUNDAY, APRIL 6                Fifth Sunday in Lent 
Pray for the Nuttall Memorial Hospital Board of Management, Chairman – Mr. Sterling Soares, Chaplain –     Rev. Judith Atkinson-Linton (SM); doctors, nurses, patients and support staff.
SUNDAY, APRIL 13            Palm Sunday
SUNDAY, APRIL 20           Easter Day
St. George’s Churches in:BlackstonedgeRichard Anderson (SM)
East StreetVacant
Grand CaymanJerome Small
Buff BayVacant
Mile GullyUlit Brackett (SM)
Point HillVacant
Savanna-la-MarKerry Parchment-Carr (SM)
Pray for the Synod of the Church which meets during this week
SUNDAY, APRIL 27             Second Sunday of Easter
St. Mark’s Churches in: Beckford Kraal Myrel Moss (CA), Stephanie Barrett (AE)
BostonVinton Greene
Brown’s TownGarfield Campbell, Judith Atkinson-Linton (SM)
ChesterMonique Campbell
ChigwellDon T. Lewis, Melvin Newsome (SM), Cleve Llewellyn (SM)
CraigtonRanford Campbell (AE)
HopewellIsaac Nugent
Macca TreeVacant
MandevilleMichael Elliott, Monnecia Duncan, Basil Grant (SM), Agnes Hall (AE), Clarence Hall (AE)
MayfieldOlando Gayle
Rio BuenoErrol Dyer (SM)
Scott’s HallVacant
Pray for newly appointed Boards and Committees named at the recent Synod of the Church.

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