The Diocesan Anglican Young Adult Movement (AYAM) is a new group within the Diocese. It seeks to meet the needs of those who have outgrown the AYF, yet require the fellowship of their peer for their continuing Christian journey.
The Young Adult Group seeks to serve as a group that can be:
Edifying for its membership – provide ways and means for them to continue to grow in Christ, through Bible studies, retreats, etc.
Social – a group that meets the social needs of this group, which may not be for a meeting every week, but will definitely be a way for persons to come together with others of like mind and continue to make friends for life, and probably even a life partner.
Vocational – to help each member find his/her place to serve in the Kingdom, a way in which to exercise the gifts we have been give. To answer the questions – who am I? What is God calling me to do?
To provide a fuller understanding of God and His purpose for others, leading to a deeper commitment to Jesus and the Christian way of life
To promote development and creative use of the gifts, talents and resources of members, thereby facilitating the growth of the Church
To support the work of the Church by encouraging the active participation of members in other areas of the Church’s ministry
To provide relevant programmes and activities which address the social, political, economic, educational and physical needs of members
Cathedral Anglican Youth Fellowship Beach Clean-up 1 Report At International Coastal Clean-up Day last year, through the National Environmental and Planning…