Homes For The Aged

A Caring Environment in the Golden Years

“Cast me not off in the time of old age: forsake me not when my strength faileth.” (Psalms 71:9)

As life expectancy in our society increases, many aged persons find it difficult to cope with the daily demands of managing a home, and to meet the rising cost of living. Some face a lonely existence as they are abandoned by their children and family. The Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands takes seriously, its Christian responsibility to care for the elderly, and through our Homes for the Aged, we provide affordable accommodation in a caring environment in which residents can enjoy the comforts of home and share Christian fellowship with their peers.

We operate three Homes –

  1. The Amy Muschett Home for the Aged,
  2. The Bishop Gibson Home for the Aged

The operational expenses for all three homes are covered with the assistance of a Diocesan subvention and grant from the Jamaica Church Missionary Society, as well as sundry donations.


Located in Duncans, Trelawny, this facility with capacity for 28 residents of either sex, was established in 1964 through an Endowment. It provides single-room accommodation for persons of limited means, who pay a monthly fee for boarding, meals and domestic services, as they can afford. Residents are expected to participate in corporate activities at the Home, including communal meals and worship; and they should be in reasonable health, as the Home does not offer medical care.

Superintendent: Mrs. Adora Smith
Contact: Duncans P.O., Trelawny; Tel: (876) 954-2424


The Bishop Gibson Home is named in honour of the first native Bishop of Jamaica, the Rt. Rev. Percival W. Gibson, and was dedicated in July, 1977. Its establishment was spearheaded by the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, which Bishop Gibson served as an active member of the General Council for 25 consecutive years. The Brotherhood has been supported over the years by the Women’s Auxiliary and the Daughters of the King, which have played a leading role in fund-raising activities for the Home. The Kingston-based facility offers a choice of shared rooms, single rooms with shared bathrooms; and self-contained rooms, for a monthly fee, which also includes meals and domestic services. It caters to both male and female residents, and has capacity for 10 persons.



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