Education and Youth Department

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Fostering Spiritual Growth

The Education and Youth Department has overall responsibility for promoting Christian education among adults and youngsters in institutions operated by the Diocese, island-wide. The main aim of the Department’s initiatives is to strengthen the spiritual life of members as well as persons in the wider community who are impacted by Diocesan organizations.

The education mandate of the Department is fulfilled through:

  1. The Sunday School Ministry
  2. The Chaplaincy Programme in schools and colleges, undertaken in collaboration with Principals, Parent Teachers’ Associations and teachers of Religious Education Special education programmes conducted at the Deanery level to strengthen the quality of the relationship which lay members have with God and with each other
  3. Family Life Education which offers a forum in which issues relating to family life and relationships can be addressed from a Christian perspective. The Department also conducts a Marriage Enrichment Programme.

Other subjects covered in workshops and seminars conducted by the Department include grieving and bereavement, ministry to and with the elderly, as well as the role of single people in the life of the Church and how they can be helped to lead a fulfilling life.


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