The Anglican Youth Fellowship (AYF) is the most active and oldest youth organisation throughout the Diocese. Originally called the Anglican Young People’s Association (AYPA) its name was changed to allow persons who were not Anglicans to also participate. Members are between 12 and 25 years old.
The motto of the AYF is “For Christ and His Church” and its operation is guided by a constitution. Each year, scores of youth from across the Diocese gather for its Annual General Meeting. This is where new officers are elected, members exchange ideas and the executive is mandated by its members.
Throughout the year, the National Council spearheads a number of initiatives aimed at strengthening Area Councils, providing opportunities for Spiritual Growth such as retreat and workshop, Bible Studies, Creative Worship, Sports Day and Bible Quiz. The Council also embarks on outreach activities all of which is aimed at helping to know Christ and make him known.
Area Council
These exist at the local level and functions under the supervision of a Deanery Youth Coordinator. The Area Council coordinates activities within the Deanery, and encourages participation among youths in the Deanery. The Area Council initiatives often times consist of Bible Studies, Retreat, Sports Day, Games Night, and Quarterly Meetings.
Cathedral Anglican Youth Fellowship Beach Clean-up 1 Report At International Coastal Clean-up Day last year, through the National Environmental and Planning…