It Is Well With my Soul

Bible Moment – Verse

Psalm 46: 1-3(NRSVUE)

God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change,
though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble with its tumult.

Take a Moment to Ponder

We have so much assaulting us each day.  The international news is full of wars, famine, disasters, and economic shocks. We are now experiencing the undeniable effects of decades of industrial activity which have brought us to an earlier-than-expected time of climate departure bringing floods, droughts, intense heat, and catastrophic storms. The events are so fast and furious that an event that would normally capture our attention such as the Category 5 Hurricane that slammed into Mexico is lost in the maelstrom of competing global events. National crime has reached new levels of violence and atrocity and no one or nowhere is sacred or safe, including churches and clergy. In the more immediate personal spaces of our lives, there is the daily struggle of some with chronic illnesses, mental wellness, financial well-being, job security, or personal relationships. A few days ago after a stream of relatively small, but irritating problems culminating in what I now know to be a small issue with my car, I said to a friend, “ I am so over small and irritating things, I want a problem-free day”. The response was, “You know… perspective is always introspective. Last week Saturday I think I’d have taken a little car problem over returning to Kingston from an all-day funeral to a hospital emergency with my daughter and my wife being robbed at gunpoint.”  I paused and reflected. All my “problems” had been resolved within relatively short time frames and in the scheme of things were really cumulatively bothersome but not individually overwhelming. As 2023 unfolded with stunning and often incomprehensible natural and human events, I have increasingly learned to “Let Go and Let God”. It is what our faith teaches and what our obedience to God demands. Let God do what he is there for, be our Waymaker! Climate change or departure, global triumph or tumult, personal tribulation or affliction – it is well with our souls.

Take Action

God still has a plan for your life. He is aware of your circumstances, He has not forgotten His promises, and He will guide you through all difficulties.

  • Do not believe that your problems are some form of punishment or judgement. Instead, treat problems like exercises to develop spiritually through the exercise of faith or as preparation for the next bigger stage of your faith journey.
  • The Holy Spirit lives inside you, and is there to go with you through every trial by providing wisdom and direction – listen to that still, small voice.
  • Do not allow your worries to occupy your mind. That gives them attention and mental energy taking your focus away from God – your true source of help.
  • Learn to cast your burdens – just simply pause and stop – RED LIGHT. Make it a habit to give small and large concerns to God instantly. Over time this will become normal and you will not even have to think about doing it.
  • Pray away concerns. Going deeper with God can mean spending more time in prayer. Staying in God’s presence is guaranteed to provide relief from stress and everyday concerns.

A Moment in Prayer

Lord take my hand and walk with me. Bid my anxious fears subside. Help me not to fear the future but to boldly trust that you are in control and when I cannot express my inner fears help me to “Be still, and know that you are God”. Teach me to believe in You at all times, in all things. Be my comforter, my healer, and my peace.  Lord draw me near and deepen my trust in You so that while the earth may change, mountains shake and tremble and waters roar and foam I will completely surrender the fears of my anxious human heart and say, ‘It is well with my soul’.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.   

Contributed by Dr. Sister Thera Edwards



Image by Dr. Sister Thera Edwards