Friday in the first week of Advent, Year B
04 December 2020
Watch and Wait
Reading: Mark 13: 24 – 37
Scripture: “But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come.” (Mark 13: 32-33)
Meditation: Every year, our entrance into the season of Advent, points to our present reality; a time when things are not what they used to be and when it feels like the entire world has changed. The readings point to a cosmic shift in our lives; the stars no longer point the way; the light that once illumined our lives no longer does and the powers on which we once relied, are no longer dependable. The darkness which invades our lives is what we live with and this is the world into which the Son of Man comes.
But, Scripture tells us that only the Father knows when “that day or hour” will be so, while we await the coming of the Son of Man, we are cautioned to stay awake and “keep alert”. In other words, despite our impatience, we must never become complacent. We are not only being asked to be watchful and aware of what is going on in the world around us but, rather, to wake up and become aware of what is going on inside of us. As believers we are called to live in a manner pleasing to Christ – a Christ-centred life displaying love, maintaining good relationships, and bringing joy and hope to others. We all have our trials and shortcomings and times when we seem to reach a “plateau” in our spiritual journey, but this is when we must dig deep within ourselves and ask God to get us back on track. This is when it is important for us to encourage ourselves by reading our Bibles more, praying harder and, where possible, share fellowship with others.
We do not want to be found sleeping for, if we do not remain awake, we will sleepwalk our way through the world and through life. Darkness is not the enemy; falling asleep is. We fall asleep when fear controls our lives; when entitlement replaces thanksgiving; when we choose what is comfortable and easier rather than what is life-giving. When we allow the darkness to deceive us into believing that there is nothing worth waiting or watching for, we close our eyes and become part of the darkness, refusing to see the One who is always coming to us. We must trust the coming One more than the darkness and so, in this season of Advent, we slow the pace of our lives; we listen more than we speak and we wait. Waiting in the darkness is an act of faithfulness and surrender to the coming One, the Son of Man, Jesus the Christ.
Meditation: Is your Advent story one of loss, change and darkness? If so, be still. Be quiet. Listen. Watch and wait on the Lord. Why? Because God works for those who wait for Him. (Isaiah 64:4)
Prayer: As we await Your Second Coming, Lord, always let us endeavor to do Your will, so that we will be in a state of readiness when You come. Amen.
St. Jude’s Church
Stony Hill
Daily Reflections for Advent and Christmas 2020
by The St. Jude’s Writers