Vigil, Wake and Requiem Eucharist for Bishop Taylor

Three Bishops from the Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands will join Bishops from across the Anglican Communion, including the Province of the West Indies, on Wednesday, June 4 for the funeral of the Rt. Rev. E. Don Taylor, late Rector of the Kingston Parish Church and retired Vicar …

Bishop Pays Tribute

Bishop Pays Tribute To The Late Bishop Don Taylor  The late Rector of the Kingston Parish Church, the Rt. Rev. E. Don Taylor, who died in New York last Saturday (May 24) has been lauded for his outstanding service to the Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands (Anglican), the …


The retired Rector of the Kingston Parish Church, the Rt. Rev. E. Don Taylor, died in a New York Hospital on Saturday afternoon, May 24. He was 77 years old. Bishop Taylor who had been ailing for some time following a heart attack late last year, resigned his tenure at …

Child Month Message

MESSAGE FROM THE RT. REV. HOWARD K. GREGORY, STD, DD BISHOP OF JAMAICA AND THE CAYMAN ISLANDS   My dear Young People:   I send you warm Christian greetings as you celebrate Children’s Sunday today, May 4, under the Theme “Yes!! I am special!!”   In many families, each child …

Ven. Patrick Cunningham Appointed Archdeacon, Kingston Region

The Venerable Patrick Cunningham has been appointed Archdeacon of Kingston, effective May 1, 2014. This follows ratification by the recent Synod of amendments to Canon LII to provide for re-organisation of the Diocese into three Regions, instead of four; and gives effect to the Resolution passed at the Special Synod …

Noted Theologian and Author for Kingston Region’s Clergy Retreat

The Rev. Canon Professor Martyn Percy, noted British theologian, author and recently-appointed Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, will be leading the Kingston Region’s Clergy Retreat, to be held from May 19-22 at the Hillcrest Diocesan Retreat Centre, in Brown’s Town St. Ann. The theme which Canon Professor Percy has selected …

Four New Rural Deans Appointed

The list of Rural Deans for 2014 includes four new appointees. These are: The Very Rev. Annett Brown, for the Deanery of St. James/Hanover. She is Rector of St. Augustine Church in CoralGardens, Montego Bay. Rev. Brown began her ministry in 1987 as a Deaconess assigned to the Church of …

Chancellor Resigns

 The Hon. Mr. Justice Lensley Wolfe, has resigned as Chancellor of the Diocese, effective April 24, 2014, after having served for 18 years. Mr. Justice Wolfe’s resignation was announced by Bishop of Jamaica & The Cayman Islands, the Rt. Rev. Howard Gregory, at the recent Synod of the Church, held …


SUFFRAGAN BISHOP, KINGSTON AT THE SYNOD EUCHARIST, Thursday, April 24, 2014 Sermon text: Luke 24: 38-39, 46-48 “Jesus said to them, why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet; see that it is I myself. Touch me and see; …


SUFFRAGAN BISHOP, MONTEGO BAY AT THE SYNOD EUCHARIST, Wednesday April 23, 2014 Luke 24: 13-35 “Affirm the Past, Engage the Present and Envision the Future” That same hour they got up and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven and their companions gathered together. They were saying, “The Lord …

Visioning Prayer

Almighty and everlasting God, ruler of all things in heaven and on earth, and by whose grace we have been called into a goodly fellowship of faith: Send down upon our bishops, other clergy, and all your faithful people an outpouring of your Holy Spirit for the renewal and mission …