ENOS NUTTALL: Spiritual Leader and More

  The centenary of the death of Archbishop Enos Nuttall is an opportune time to celebrate his life and his contribution, not only to the Anglican Church in Jamaica and in the wider Province of the West Indies, but to the country as a whole.   H. G deLisser, the influential …


BIBLICAL, THEOLOGICAL AND CONTEXTUAL PERSPECTIVES ON MINISTRY – A REFLECTION: The Biblical Foundation:                                                                 Ephesians 4: 11 – 13 assert that through Jesus Christ, God gave gifts to those called as leaders within the Church (the body of Christ).  While these gifts varied in content and capacity i.e. apostles, prophets, evangelists …

Church to develop disaster strategy as Pacific islands disappear

The Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia is to establish a “clear resilience strategy” to strengthen its response to future natural disasters in the Pacific islands. The move, adopted at the Province’s General Synod, came as researchers announced that five pacific islands have completely disappeared and a further …

“Each Child Is Equal” – Lord Bishop States

“As an inheritor of the kingdom of God, each child is equal. No child is better than another, regardless of what each has,” Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Howard Gregory, states. In his Message to mark Children’s Sunday, which is being celebrated across the Diocese on May 1, Bishop Gregory noted …

Children’s Sunday – May 1, 2016

Every year during the month of May, which is observed as Child’s Month, we, as a church family, celebrate Children’s Sunday. On this day, we rededicate you to God, celebrate you as God’s precious gifts to us and invite you to use your talents in worshipping God. You and all …

Celebrating Archbishop Enos Nuttall

May 31, 2016 marks the centenary of the death of Enos Nuttall, Bishop of Jamaica 1880 – 1916 and Archbishop of the West Indies 1897 – 1916. The Diocese is commemorating this event with a number of activities as follows: Saturday, May 28 HEALTH FAIR at NUTTALL HOSPITAL – 9:00 …

200th Anniversary Re-dedication at St. Mark’s, Mandeville

St. Mark’s Parish Church, Mandeville, will celebrate its Patronal Festival and 200 years of Christian Witness in Manchester with an Anniversary Re-dedication Service on Sunday, April 24 at 8:30 a.m. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Howard Gregory, Diocesan Bishop, will be Celebrant and Preacher. Clergy and other members of the Diocesan family will be …

Anglicans share strategies to retain the youth

The Bishop of Lusaka, David Njovu, with young people outside the Cathedral of the Holy Cross   (Article adapted from Anglican Communion News Service) [ACNS, by Bellah Zulu] A panel of both young and elderly representatives from the Church of the Province of Central Africa (CPCA), the Anglican Church of …