Christmas – A Call to Self-Giving Love and Peace

Once again we have come to the season of Christmas, and we do so with a feeling of fatigue having been bombarded by Christmas music for almost two months as the commercial world seeks to turn up the hype.  In our increasingly consumerist society, many have been spending beyond their …

Grace Notes: Advent 4

And so… We’ve arrived at the final week of another Advent season. I pray that in the stillness, you were able to hear the voice of God in clearer, more precise tones: that in hearing, you have been convinced of the fact that in the midst of all that seems …

Contemplation – Daily Meditation by Richard Rohr

Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation From the Center for Action and Contemplation   Contemplation Perceiving Reality   All forms of contemplation share the same goal: to help us see through the deceptions of self and world in order to get in touch with what Howard Thurman called “the sound of the …

Answers to The Anglican – Crosswords

Every issue of THE ANGLICAN this year had a crossword puzzle! Did you do it? Well if you did here are the long-awaited answers! If you didn’t do it – well don’t spoil the fun – get your copies and do the crosswords. (Will upload April’s answers soon)

Grace Notes: Advent 3

Today’s Gospel reading [Luke 3: 7 – 18] is, in essence, a continuation of last week’s and from all accounts, John the baptizer is pulling no punches in delivering his sermon. He is very direct in addressing the questions and concerns of those who had come to him, seeking baptism. …

Grace Notes: Advent 2

 In the Gospel reading for today, taken from Luke 3: 1 – 6, the evangelist places the message of John the baptizer, within historical and social contexts, that make both message and messenger, worthy of our pondering. There is no mistaking the fact that there were big-wigs at the time, …


Hello Everyone, it’s Advent time again. Advent is a season of preparation for the celebration of God’s incarnation.  The season of Advent lasts for four Sundays leading up to Christmas. As a church, during Advent, we look back in celebration of Christ’s coming as a child, while at the same …

Grace Notes: Advent 1

Lo, He comes with Clouds Descending! Once for favored sinners slain; thousand, thousand saints attending swell the triumph of his train. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! God appears on earth to reign. Every eye shall now behold him, robed in dreadful majesty; those who set at naught and sold him, pierced and …

ID of Anglican Teachers Retired and In-Service

TO:                  Members of the Clergy and Board Chairmen SUBJECT:       Identification of Anglican Teachers Retired and In-Service I am requesting your help in identifying teachers who are Anglicans (retired and in-service).  The aim is to prepare persons for professional growth and to look at income generation. We would like the information …