Social Media in the Church

The Diocese of Jamaica & The Cayman Islands can now be reached and followed through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  This Social Media focus is to get more persons communicating and sharing with the Diocese through these platforms. So with the assistance of a grant – 3 workshops were held free of …

Bible Moment: Discipleship in Church

Bible Passage 1 Thessalonians 2: 1-12 Take Moment to Ponder Discipleship is not so much a programme in the local Church for which persons are invited or encouraged to sign up, but rather, the culture of the Church where every member seeks, in a deliberate way, to assist each other …

Lambeth Palace holds service celebrating 25 years of female priests in the Church of England

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, welcomed over 80 female priests to Lambeth Palace today for a special service celebrating 25 years of women’s ordination to the priesthood in the Church of England.   The guests included many women who were among the first to be ordained in 1994, some laypeople that were active …

Celebrating 25 years of Women in Ordained Ministry

A service was held at the Cathedral of St Jago de la Vega on February 17, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ordination of women to the priesthood in the Diocese of Jamaica & The Cayman Islands. The service was the second one to mark the historic event – …

New Executive of the National Council(AYF)

    From left starting at the bottom row: Jessica Richards – Vice President, Kayan Ambersley- President, Bethany Johnson- treasurer, Kimberly Todd – Asst. Secretary/treasurer. Top row starting from the left: Janelle Dalberry- Secretary, Britney Williams- Spiritual Coordinator, Rory Morgan – PRO, Christina Plunkett – immediate past president #SupportThem #EncourageThem …

The 25th Anniversary Service for Women in Ordained Ministry

DELIVERED BY THE REV. CANON GEORGIA JERVISWednesday, February 6, 2019AT THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD CONSTANT SPRING Gracious God, grant me Hannah’s courage, Esther’s boldness and a surrendered heart like Mary’s that I may speak that which You have placed on my heart, to the glory of your great …

Enthronement Sermon – Bishop Michael Maxwell

THE BIDDING PRAYER YOU SHALL PRAY for Christ’s Holy Catholic Church, that is, for the whole congregation of Christian people dispersed throughout the whole world, and especially for the Church in the Province of the West Indies. You shall pray for Her Majesty the Queen, the head of the Commonwealth …

New Bishop’s Consecration in Barbados

The Rev. Michael Bruce St. John Maxwell will be ordained and consecrated tomorrow (Saturday, January 26) as the 14th Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Barbados in a Solemn Eucharist to be held at the Garfield Sobers Gymnasium, in Wildey, St. Michael. The Service will begin at 3.00 pm (Jamaica …

Get Ready for HC2019

Healing Conference 2019   Dear Colleagues & Friends: The Annual Healing Conference has been scheduled for the weekend of May 24 – 26, 2019 at Holiday Inn Resort, Montego Bay, Jamaica. All reservations for rooms or for day passes, must be addressed to Bishop Harold Daniel, c/o Church of the …

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

At least once a year, Christians are reminded of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (see John 17.21). Hearts are touched and Christians come together to pray for their unity. Congregations and parishes all over the world exchange preachers or …