Help us bring our Boys Home

We can vividly recall the shock when we heard of the fire that totally destroyed  Clifton Boys’ Home on the night of January 5, 2017, and so shortly after the fire at Wortley Home.  Following on the groundbreaking ceremony on March 20, 2019, the rebuilding committee has been going full …

Nine Candidates Ordained on June 30

Nine candidates were ordained to the priesthood and the diaconate in a historic and colourful ceremony at the Cathedral of St. Jago de la Vega, Spanish Town, on Sunday, June 30. The ancient rite was performed by His Grace, The Most Rev. Howard Gregory, Bishop of Jamaica & The Cayman …

The Public Square is Morally Empty – Garnet Roper

Book Launch at The United Theological College of The West Indies Howard Gregory, Journey to the Promised Land: Theological Reflections by Neville deSouza on Jamaica’s Journey Lady Rheima Hall, Archbishop of the Province of the West Indies, Most Rev. Dr. Howard Gregory, Mrs. Iona deSouza, widow of the late Lord …

Book with Neville deSouza Synod Charges Launched

An appreciative audience gathered at the United Theological College of the West Indies on June 18, for the launch of a publication containing Synod Charges by the Rt. Rev. Neville deSouza, the 12th Bishop of Jamaica who served from 1979 – 2000.  Titled, “Journey to the Promised Land” Theological Reflections …

Who was St. Boniface

St. Boniface, an English missionary and reformer, was born in 675 in Southern England and was baptized with the name, Wynfrith, which means “Friend of Peace.” He is one of the most famous saints in Germany and the Netherlands where he played a significant role in planting new churches and …

God is doing more than you think

Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. Matthew 16:16-17 A Moment to Ponder Someone posed this question; “What …