30 Years of Ministry!

On Sunday September 3, The Very Rev. Annett Brown and The Revd Canon Georgia “Grace” Jervis celebrated thirty (30) years of ministry in the diocese at the morning eucharist at the Church of the Ascension, Mona where Rev. Annett was the preacher and Canon Grace, celebrant.

Both ladies began their ministry of service in the Diocese, along with the late Sister Phyllis Thomas, in September 1987.  They were licensed as Lay Workers and the following year, ordained Deaconesses.  At that time, women were not eligible for admission to priestly orders so they continued as members of the Deaconess Order for a number of years, before answering God’s further call to serve as priests.

Reverends Annett and Grace have served the Diocese with distinction in the Education and Youth Department and as parish priests. They have been hailed as strong, visionary leaders who have ministered in extremely challenging situations, always with compassion and an unwavering sense of God’s call to be channels of healing love and grace.

Rev. Annett currently serves as Rector of St. Augustine’s Coral Gardens and Rural Dean of St. James/Hanover while Canon Grace serves as Diocesan Director of Training and Coordinator of the Supplementary Ministry Training Program.


Rev. Grace & Rev Annett
Rev. Annett preached
“Singing my Thanks” – Rev. Grace