God’s gonna trouble the water
Chorus: Wade in the Water, wade in the water children.
Wade in the Water. God’s gonna trouble the water.
Verse 1Who are those children all dressed in Red?
God’s gonna trouble the water.
Must be the ones that Moses led.
God’s gonna trouble the water. (Chorus)
Verse 2Who are those children all dressed in White?
God’s gonna trouble the water.
Must be the ones of the Israelites.
God’s gonna trouble the water. (Chorus)
Verse 3Who are those children all dressed in Blue?
God’s gonna trouble the water.
Must be the ones that made it through.
God’s gonna trouble the water. (Chorus)
Reflection: “Do you want to be well?” Jesus asked the man who had been disabled for thirty-four years. He was sitting among the crowd that gathered beside the pool of Bethesda, waiting on God’s spirit to trouble the water and make the desire for healing a reality for one of those waiting by the pool. However, instead of a yes or no, the man launched into a litany about being prevented from getting into the pool. We can imagine Him looking up to heaven with a log sigh. Maybe He even said, “that’s not what I asked you”.
Don’t we do this sometimes? “I was going to read a chapter of my Bible everyday, but I’m so tired when I get home, and it’s too much of a rush in the morning.” OR “I really want to improve my prayer life, but I draw a blank every time I try”. OR, In response to an invitation to attend church with you, the person replies, “I want to come back, you know, but, I have some things I need to sort out first”. We’re asked a direct question and we fish around for an excuse.
In fact we’ve become accustomed to making excuses. What did you promise yourself you were going to do for Lent this year? How’s it going eleven days into the season? Oh, you managed to keep the promise eight out of the eleven days, five? Perhaps three times? Only the day after Ash Wednesday? Oh dear!
Think about the Hebrew people making their way out of Egypt. They were a quarrelsome bunch. As they approach the river, the people begin to murmur. Where does Moses think he’s going? He doesn’t know the Jordan has some deep parts? I, for one am not putting foot into that water. Or, maybe the day Jesus went to be baptised, a sizeable crowd had gathered on the bank of the Jordan. Maybe Jesus should have said, “No hurry. I’ll come back another day when it’s not so crowded”.
Hundreds of enslaved Africans in the American South took the step that could have cost them their lives the night they left the plantation. But they’d heard the freedom stories from the Bible and knew they weren’t the first to take that first step towards true freedom. They would follow the almost invisible signs left for them en route to a town or city further north. They knew how to find the safe houses where they could rest, perhaps get a change of clothing. But sometimes the hunters got too close and they had to take to the water. The water in the rivers, creeks, gullies removed all marks that could connect them to their previous life. Going into the water was the only way to freedom.
Each of us need to know what it is we want. Each of us need to make our own decision whether we are going to wade into that water. God’s spirit will act on that water and bring us forth healed.
Meditation: Do you need to wade in the water? Is there anyone in your family or community who would decide to take that step as a result hearing about the transformations in your life after taking that step yourself?
Lord, I was a pile of ash
And you made me a light for the world
I was a stone
And you made me salt for the earth.
I was as lifeless as clay
And you made me part of the Body of Christ.
I was sinful
And you made me holy.
I was nothing
And you made me part of everything.
Lord, who is hope
who is bread and water,
who is help and healing,
who is freedom,
and who is love.
Transform me anew,
and so keep me close to you,
as you transform the world. Amen.
(Source: Catholic Relief Services)
Wade in the water – Want to sing along?
Connect to a traditional version : https://youtu.be/RRpzEnq14Hs
Connect to a contemporary version (with revised lyrics): https://youtu.be/fxZ4H-gq_lc
The St. Jude’s Writers
St. Jude’s Church
Stony Hill
Anglican Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands
27 February 2021