Tuesday in the first week of Advent, Year B
01 December 2020
That we may be saved
Reading: Psalm 80:1-7,17-19
Scripture: “Stir up your might, and come to save us! Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved.O Lord God of hosts, how long will you be angry with your people’s prayers?” (Psalm 80:2-4)
Reflection: Before the onset of COVID-19, we lamented that we were living in terrible times and complained about the high levels of crime, the effects of climate change, our misguided politicians, the deterioration of social values, the devaluation of the currency and practically, just about everything else that we could. We longed for the “good old days”, knowing full well that we would never see “those days” again.
Fast forward to the present where, from the dislocation, the torment and uncertainties of the last nine months, we, like the Israelites in the wilderness, long to be restored to that very familiar recent past which we disliked and so severely criticized. How then can we pray to be restored, and to what do we pray to be restored?
Like the psalmist, we are at the point where we must acknowledge that He is a mighty God, a saving God, a restoring God and that we have no might, nor power, save by His will. Too many of us had falsely claimed greatness, had taken full credit for our successes, unmindful of the reality that all our achievements and accomplishments are the result of the gifts and talents that He in His grace and mercy bestowed on us. Too many of us had been driven and motivated by our material aspirations, comforts and possessions, and grown out of touch with our spiritual needs as well as the needs of those around us. COVID has put us properly in our place and we awaken to the realization that we are but human, weak and in need of God’s care and direction.
The resulting quiet and silence of the COVID experience have helped us to understand that whatever affects one, in due course will affect all, so it is imperative that we escape from our cozy self-made bubble and become our brothers’ and sisters’ keeper. We have drifted, is the major lesson we learn from the COVID experience. And so we pray for our restoration to a full and right relationship with God, a relationship where He is central to all we do, where He is our master and our guide and where we live lives in fulfilment of His will.
The Advent season provides us with yet another opportunity to renew and manifest our belief that only He can “save us”; yet another opportunity for us to be restored in Him so that we may prepare and be saved for His second coming.
Meditation: Restore us, O God; let your face shine!
Prayer: Do not be angry with our prayers, O Lord; save us from our short sightedness and open our eyes and heart to see, experience and then share the beauty of Your holiness. Amen.
St. Jude’s Church
Stony Hill
Daily Reflections for Advent and Christmas 2020
by The St. Jude’s Writers