Women’s Auxiliary – Bishop’s Day January 6

January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany, is a special day, referred to as Bishop’s Day. Each year, members of the Women’s Auxiliary (WA) – a major Diocesan Organisation – gather for worship led by the Diocesan Bishop, in one of the three regions – Kingston, Mandeville or Montego Bay. …

Archbishop Gregory’s Tribute to Archbishop Tutu

Archbishop Desmond Tutu:Disciple of Jesus Christ, and Statesman The Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands joins with the countless persons and institutions that have been offering tributes on the death of the late prelate and world leader Archbishop Desmond Tutu and in extending condolences to his family and the …

New Board for Clifton Boys’ Home

The Most Rev. Howard Gregory, Archbishop of the West Indies and Bishop of Jamaica & The Cayman Islands, has announced the appointment of a new Board of Management for the Clifton Boys’ Home in Darliston, Westmoreland. The new Board will be chaired by Mr. Vincent Guthrie, a retired educator. In …

Archbishop Gregory Calls for Mandatory Vaccination

Archbishop of the West Indies, The Most Rev. Howard Gregory, is urging the Government of Jamaica to embrace mandatory vaccination against the COVID-19 virus, in the national interest, as has been done in other jurisdictions. Archbishop Gregory’s call in an article titled “Leadership and the Pursuit of the Common Good,” …

Soul Searching by Anglicans

Two recent programmes, presented on social media, on the relevance and role of the Anglican Church, have generated much thoughtful discussion.  The first, in two parts, was a Symposium on Disestablishment, presented by the Diocese as one of the observances to mark the 150th Anniversary of the separation of the …

Preach the Word Unceasingly

Newly-Ordained Charged Preach the Word of God unceasingly to reprove, rebuke and exhort, regardless of potential negative repercussions, the Rev. Lt. Col. Denston Smalling charged, as he delivered the Sermon at the Ordination Service for five Priests and four Deacons at the Cathedral of St. Jago de la Vega on …

Panel Discussion on Disestablishment

Part 2 July 8 @ 7 pm The second part of the Symposium to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Disestablishment of the Anglican Church in 1870 will be held on Thursday July 8 at 7:00 pm and can be viewed on Zoom. While the first part of the Symposium held …

BSA Fathers’ Day Message

Fatherhood is about so many things.  It speaks to the kinship relation between offspring and father or a structure in society where a child is aware of the presence of a male figure to provide sustenance, guidance, encouragement and discipline. Here, fathers play their part in raising young people who …