Fifty Years at Church House…Ever Professional

  Fifty years after taking up her first assignment on May 17, 1966 as Secretary to the then Suffragan Bishop of Kingston, the Rt. Rev. Cyril Emerson Swaby, and the Director of Anglican Schools, Mr. Enos B. Johnson, Mrs. Laceta Morlese-Brown continues to work at the highest level of the …

Anglicans Worldwide Condemn Orlando Shooting

In response to last weekend’s shooting at an Orlando night club, the Bishop of Central Florida, the Rt. Rev. Gregory Brewer, has said that “words of condolence have little value.” The Bishop, whose Cathedral of St. Luke is just 1.5 miles (2.6 km) away from the scene of the shooting, …

Diocese of Venezuela Helps Community

Despite the suspension of some activities because of the political chaos, demonstrations, marches, violence and food shortages, priests in the Diocese of Venezuela are getting on with their everyday pastoral work. The Church has decided to stay out of politics and engage in direct work in communities, as the Diocesan …

Choir Workshop – Round Two

Following last year’s successful Choir Workshop in which more than 100 choristers from churches in the Corporate Area and St. Catherine, as well as members of the Diocesan Festival Choir participated, noted Jamaican Choir Director and musician, Mr. Donald Morris, will be returning to the island in July to lead …

Expanded Programme for Music Camp 2016

The keyboard is the newest offering in the range of instruments which children will learn to play at the upcoming Music Camp 2016 to be held at Christ Church, Vineyard Town from July 11 -22. The two-week day camp for youngsters aged 6-17, will provide vocal training, as well as …

Four for Ordination on June 26

  Three recent graduates of the United Theological College of the West Indies (UTCWI) will be admitted to the Holy Order of Deacons and a fourth candidate to the Sacred Order of Priest at the annual Ordination Service which will be held at the Cathedral of St. Jago de la …

Nuttall’s Contribution to Jamaica – An Historical Perspective

“Under Nuttall’s leadership the Anglican Church not only over-rode the financial crisis created by disestablishment in 1870 but entered a period of expansion of churches, missions and schools” said Emeritus Professor Patrick Bryan in a public lecture on May 31 2016, the actual anniversary of the Archbishop’s death a century …

ENOS NUTTALL: Spiritual Leader and More

  The centenary of the death of Archbishop Enos Nuttall is an opportune time to celebrate his life and his contribution, not only to the Anglican Church in Jamaica and in the wider Province of the West Indies, but to the country as a whole.   H. G deLisser, the influential …

Church to develop disaster strategy as Pacific islands disappear

The Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia is to establish a “clear resilience strategy” to strengthen its response to future natural disasters in the Pacific islands. The move, adopted at the Province’s General Synod, came as researchers announced that five pacific islands have completely disappeared and a further …

“Each Child Is Equal” – Lord Bishop States

“As an inheritor of the kingdom of God, each child is equal. No child is better than another, regardless of what each has,” Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Howard Gregory, states. In his Message to mark Children’s Sunday, which is being celebrated across the Diocese on May 1, Bishop Gregory noted …

Celebrating Archbishop Enos Nuttall

May 31, 2016 marks the centenary of the death of Enos Nuttall, Bishop of Jamaica 1880 – 1916 and Archbishop of the West Indies 1897 – 1916. The Diocese is commemorating this event with a number of activities as follows: Saturday, May 28 HEALTH FAIR at NUTTALL HOSPITAL – 9:00 …