Diocese Launches Hurricane Irma Fund

The Diocese of Jamaica & The Cayman Islands has launched a Hurricane Irma Relief Fund, to assist the recovery effort in the Diocese of the North East Caribbean & Aruba and the Diocese of the Bahamas & Turks and Caicos Islands following widespread devastation in the wake of one of …

New Diocesan Secretary Appointed

Mrs. Jacqueline Marie Mighty, a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ experience in management, accounting and finance, has been appointed as the new Diocesan Secretary, effective October 1, 2017. She succeeds the Rev. Canon Denzil Barnes who will retire at year-end after serving in that position for approximately 16 years. …

Anglican Alliance Representative visits Jamaica

Mr Clifton Nedd is the Regional Facilitator for the Caribbean Arm of The Anglican Alliance The Anglican Alliance is grounded in the Church’s mission to challenge and change the unjust structures of the World, the Anglican Alliance has a mandate to bring together development, relief and advocacy work across the …

30 Years of Ministry!

On Sunday September 3, The Very Rev. Annett Brown and The Revd Canon Georgia “Grace” Jervis celebrated thirty (30) years of ministry in the diocese at the morning eucharist at the Church of the Ascension, Mona where Rev. Annett was the preacher and Canon Grace, celebrant. Both ladies began their …

The Cathedral honours Trevor Beckford

THE CITATION Trevor Alvin Beckford, OD. JP, DRSCM Organist and Choir Master “If we wish to know about a man, we ask ‘what is his story–his real, inmost story?’–for each of us is a biography, a story. Each of us is a singular narrative, which is constructed, continually, unconsciously, by, …

Launch of the new Oxford History of Anglicanism

The official launch has taken place of the first ever multi-volume history of worldwide Anglicanism to be published by a major university press.  The Oxford History of Anglicanism, in five volumes,  covers the growth of worldwide Anglicanism with more than 100 international scholars contributing. Three volumes have appeared already and …

Clergy in Concert – An Entertaining Showcase   

Performers in the Clergy in Concert 3 show made good on their promise in the opening medley that “Nobody going to want to leave here tonight.”  The capacity audience in the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, at Jamaica College, was treated to an entertaining three-hour showcase featuring clergy, their family and church …

Clergy to ditch their robes in further sign of dress-down Britain

Church of England approves relaxation of canon law to allow its clergy to conduct services without traditional vestments First it was ties in parliament, now it is surplices at communion. Following Speaker John Bercow’s decision last month to relax the convention requiring male MPs to wear jackets and ties in parliament, …

Camp at Auchtembeddie – A Reality!

The new Diocesan Camp at Auchtembeddie in North West Manchester is hosting its first batch of campers this summer. The facility was dedicated on June 24 by the Bishop of Jamaica & The Cayman Islands, The Rt. Rev. Howard Gregory, following a well-attended Service at St. John’s Church, which is …

Message of Bishop deSouza Still Relevant

Although the late Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. The Hon. Dr. Neville deSouza, was often misunderstood and maligned, there is a connection between his prophetic voice and message and today’s reality, the Rt. Rev. Howard Gregory, Bishop of Jamaica & The Cayman Islands, notes. Almost three decades since the late …