Archbishop of York Announces Retirement

Dr John Sentamu has announced that he will retire from his post as Archbishop of York on 7 June 2020, Trinity Sunday, 3 days prior to his 71st birthday. Making the announcement the Archbishop said that until that date he will focus on a number of key areas in the …

Communions in Dialogue

The nature of communion (koinonia) and its implications for the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and the Anglican Communion were the focus of the fourth round of the dialogue between both Communions when they met recently in Vancouver, Canada. The deliberations at the Vancouver School of Theology were guided …

Archbishop of Cantebury Invites Bishop Gregory…

…to the meeting of the International Reformed-Anglican Dialogue Dear Colleagues: I have been invited by the Archbishop of Canterbury to be the Co-Chair of a Meeting of the International Reformed-Anglican Dialogue scheduled to be held in Vancouver, Canada, from August 23-30, 2018.  And what is this International Reformed-Anglican Dialogue? “As …

Senior Teachers’ Workshop in Kingston Region

The Kingston Region, along with the Department of Education and Youth, hosted a workshop for Principals and Senior Teachers at Diocesan Primary Schools in Kingston and St. Andrew on July 9 & 10 at the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. The session, entitled Excellence in Anglican Schools, was …

Diocese of Cuba to rejoin the US-based Episcopal Church

…after historic votes   The Bishop of Western North Carolina, José McLoughlin, escorts Bishop Griselda Delgado del Carpio of the Diocese of Cuba to the front of the House of Bishops after the vote to readmit the Diocese of Cuba to the US-based Episcopal Church. Photo Credit: David Paulsen / …

One Priest, Four Deacons Ordained

Hundreds of members from across the Diocese journeyed to the Spanish Town Cathedral on Sunday July 1 to support the five Ordinands who the Diocesan Bishop admitted to the priesthood and the diaconate in the historic and colourful Rite of Ordination. The newly-ordained Priest is Nina-Rae Barrett, who is serving …

St. Monica’s Celebrate 65 years

And Sister Myrel Moss Retires… She speaks to us about the Institution on  THINK ON THESE THINGS  <Click the link to listen The exciting ministry of the Church Army (CA) which attracted Sister Myrel Moss at an outdoor Mission Service in the 1950’s continues to influence her work today as Superintendent …

New Rural Dean for St. James & Hanover

The Very Rev. Andrew Reid, Rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Westgate, Montego Bay, is now Rural Dean for St. James and Hanover. His appointment follows the retirement of the Very Rev. Annett Brown who served in that capacity for four years. A graduate of the United Theological …

The Bishop’s Message for Children’s Sunday 2018

Our theme for Child’s Month, and especially Children’s Sunday is Train Up the Child taken from Proverbs 22:6, … This verse of scripture is often quoted by parents as a justification for discipline, especially corporal punishment….. Read more below Children’s Hymn 2018