Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

At least once a year, Christians are reminded of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (see John 17.21). Hearts are touched and Christians come together to pray for their unity. Congregations and parishes all over the world exchange preachers or …

Christmas – A Call to Self-Giving Love and Peace

Once again we have come to the season of Christmas, and we do so with a feeling of fatigue having been bombarded by Christmas music for almost two months as the commercial world seeks to turn up the hype.  In our increasingly consumerist society, many have been spending beyond their …

Barbados Bishop – designate

  The House of Bishops of the Church of the Province of the West Indies has selected the Rev. Michael Maxwell, rector of Holy Trinity Church in St Philip to be the next 14th Bishop of Barbados. On 16 Nov 2018 the provincial secretary informed the diocese the bishops had …

Cathedral Sunday Evensong to Inspire and Rally Worshippers  

Another inspiring experience that will rally the congregation around the theme “Discipleship: A Pledge to Follow Jesus” is in store for worshippers at the Cathedral Sunday Festal Evensong at the Spanish Town Cathedral on November 25. The Service, which will begin at 3.45 p.m., is the highpoint of the annual …

Chile Becomes Anglican Communion’s 40th Province

The Anglican Church of Chile – has been inaugurated as the latest province of the Anglican Communion in a service of joy and celebration in the capital, Santiago. It was originally part of the province of South America but was granted provincial status after sustained growth. More than 800 people, …

Diocesan Delegation at Leadership Conference in Colombia

A seven-member delegation led by Bishop of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, The Rt. Rev. Howard Gregory, is among Anglican clergy and laity from Latin America and the Caribbean now meeting in Cartagena, Colombia to discuss Partnerships for Leadership and Financial Capacity. The meeting, which begins today (October 25) and …

South American woman makes history …

…as the MU’s first non-British Worldwide President   Mrs Sheran Harper will become Worldwide President of the Mothers’ Union from 1 January 2019. Photo Credit: Mothers’ Union   The global Anglican mission agency Mothers’ Union has elected Sheran Harper as its new Worldwide President – the first person from outside …

Evangelical Agenda Derailed by Politics

Christians in the faith-based advocacy organisation, Sojourners, are expressing concern that the core principles of The Chicago Declaration of Evangelical Social Concern which was crafted by its founders 45 years ago to confront social and economic injustice in the United States, has been derailed by politics. A commentary written by …

Our Bishops Leon, Howard & Robert (see photo below) are currently in Barbados from October 1-6 for a meeting of the House of Bishops in the Province of the West Indies. [Information and Photos will be shared as soon as they come in]